Straight on View – Gotta Step Up – review

According to the current state of humanity’s knowledge on quantum physics, time travel is not possible (although time dilation is, but you don’t want me to get that nerdy). On the other hand, the history of science has showed us multiple times that with the increased knowledge, sometimes things seen as completely impossible turn out […]

“I want to shout out what I sometimes can’t say” – Yell interview

Although Yell is a relatively new band it has already gained a huge name in polish punk underground. A group of highly experienced musicians playing rather ambitious face of punk, while sticking true to the roots. Why Yell is so special and what this band is about? You’ll (hopefully) learn from this interview.  You describe […]

“Metal was political all time” – interview with Norkh

Black metal is usually associated with themes strictly related to satan and rather simple style of play. But sometimes there is a gem, that outstands from the scene, both when it comes to the music and the message in the lyrics. What’s even more important – after playing two gigs with Berlin-based Norkh I can […]