13/09/24 – New York, New York, New York + anarcho punk, Olsztyn i Opole, Dobra 12, zero Bristolu + jazz
Święta Propaganda @Radio Odzew #3
30/08/24 – Bristol, Białystok, Lublin, Dobra 12, Dublin, Opole, Szwecja, koncerty, jazz i folk.
Święta Propaganda @Radio Odzew #2
16/08/2024 – Bristol, Szwecja, Izrael, UK, Dobra 12, koncerty, jazz.
Święta Propaganda @Radio Odzew #1
02/08/2024 – Bristol, Bradford, NYC, Silesia, Lublin, London, jazz.
RETSU – s/t LP
Right, so the RETSU debut album is here. I mean, not out yet, but I’ve listened to it. Quite a few times actually, and I dig it a lot! And so should you! For those of you who missed the review of their demo and the interview with Scoot, RETSU was formed in 2022, so […]