If you remember their previous record called “Om shanti om” I reviewed in February, you will be amazed to hear they’ve got a new one out! A new one a few months later! Kosmogonia is an expansion of the previous album and it explores more industrial areas through different sounds by the use of yet […]
IŁ-62 – Opuszczony Babilon LP
IŁ-62 is a Soviet long-haul passenger plane, world largest in its prime. IŁ-62 is also a Polish punk band formed in the second half of the 80’s in Warsaw and a band you may not be very familiar with. Primarily because they were not an obvious punk choice in crusty Poland in the band’s prime. […]
Necrosodomistical Slaughter – Krew na waszych dłoniach CD
Don’t know why I thought they were a fairly new band. Looks like their first recording dates from 2013 and the last one came in 2018. And then this hit me in the autumn. 16 songs of the grindcore I like the most. On punk chassis. Not a sight of senseless gore or porn stuff […]
La Aferra – Program 2LP
LA AFERRA were a Polish hardcore punk band active in the second half of the 90’s. They were known for their uncompromising pro-ecological views, which were often reflected in their lyrics. They were fascinated by slower riffs and their music was often characterised as heavy and atmospheric. They introduced a doze of tribalism in their […]
Nefarious Artists … by Welly Artcore on Earth Island Books. Ian Glasper reviews.
Nefarious Artists: The Evolution and Art of the Punk Rock, Post-Punk, New Wave, Hardcore Punk and Alternative Rock Compilation Record, 1976 – 1989By Welly ArtcorePublished by Earth Island Books In his second book for Earth Island (the first being the brilliant US tour memoires of Chaos UK and Four Letter Word, ‘Directions to the Outskirts […]