SOCIAL DISTANCE – Decontaminate EP

Is this the first punk concept band about the pandemic? Perhaps it is. Comprising members of MORROW, WREATHE, AUTARCH, KADRE, they do have a great (almost) DIS name. Not sure if this is to be continued as the band lives all over the world, so for the time being I take it as a “lockdown […]


Raw d-beat fans, take notice. BONER KILLER are a fairly new band from Warsaw, Poland having played a few gigs here and there. This demo introduces them to the scene with 8 raw old school d-beat tracks. Typically structured they do however boast original guitar sound and hysteric vocals. Think of it as Finish & […]

THIS ENDS HERE – The Last Hundred Years CASS


Whoa, THIS ENDS HERE from Bristol have been going strong for 10 years now and I just heard them when they sent me this tape for a review. Major oversight on my end, sorry! From Bristol, this 4-piece astonishes me a lot. It’s a proper album but released on tape and digitally by Prejudice Me […]

WOLFHEAD59 – We are not OK (digital)

When Saturday Night Fever strikes you in the midst of isolation – youtube them and pump up the volume. Or when it’s all over and you feel like rocking the floor with your mates … look for the gig listing of WOLFHEAD59. Emerging from London punk scene, WOLFHEAD59 are a two-piece hardcore techno act. Blending […]