Those of you who have not discovered FLOWER, take notice. If you’ve ever been nostalgic about good old crusty days and the only band left you dream to see reformed is NAUSEA … well … FLOWER tick all the boxes. They are from New York City, they play crusty punk, they are young and they sound and write music similarly to NAUSEA. In fact, you can’t escape from this comparison, even if you wanted to. Nothing’s wrong with that, of course. Quite on the contrary. I takes a lot of talent not to profane this legendary style.
At the turning of the years 2022 and 2023 FLOWER has blossomed and gave us “Hardly a Dream” LP released by Profane Existence – 12 songs of pure NYC crust nostalgia. Everyone went nuts. End of 2023 awarded us with yet more goodness from FLOWER. A 2 song 7inch vinyl soon to be released by Fight For Your Mind Records.
2 songs that perfectly follow what was started on the LP. Solid bass sound (my favourite actually!), thrashy guitars, crusty vocals, lengthy lyrics, some spoken words and this unique overall production sound that we all love and crave for. It sort of reminds me of the Cybergoood EP, but the bass sound is spot on here, haha. Lyrics portray the vicious cycle of the modern world hysteria where greed, materialism, religion and glamour prevail. Add the outstanding artwork from the guitarist Willow and you get what we all deserve: beautiful and intelligent punk creation!
And here is your off the record info since you’re here: Sanctus Propaganda together with Trapdoor Altemeier are proud to be organising European tour for FLOWER starting on 23 August and finishing 14 September 2024. Catch the band live in Poland, Germany, Czech, Croatia, Bosna and Herzegovina, Italy, France, UK, Holland, Denmark … They will be bringing their records, t-shirts, unique sound, even more unique personalities and a guest band from New York for even more punk shenanigans. More news later. Cheers.
Order the EP now from Fight For Your Mind Records