SNAKE TONGUE – No Escape – No Excuse EP

Snake Tongue

  This is my first encounter with Linköping/Norrköping based SNAKE TONGUE. Some of you might be familiar with the band as they already have their debut album on account, released in 2016 on The Sign Records. Looks like they were quite busy after the debut release, touring Europe extensively and also flying over to Mexico […]

F.O.T.K. is something to watch out for … watch and listen.

Artificial intelligence will soon be running in the background of all the law enforcement networks on Earth. Amid the CHAOS and confusion of many modern cities in the UK. Facial recognition and image enhancement technology Is already in place. At the first sign of DISORDER, local police and enforcement agencies will be able to fall […]


  OK, so two latest SANCTUS PROPAGANDA releases are just about to see the daylight. The covers for ORPHANAGE NAMED EARTH/THE THRONE split 12” should land tomorrow (or today for some of you already, orders come for all over the world) and inserts for HOMOMILITIA are being printed as I am told. So I went […]


  Every time I put my hands on a release that is a fruit of international collaboration between DIY records labels from all over this planet I know the spirit of DIY, networking and worldwide resistance is alive and kicking. This record is no exception. Co-released by 17 (!) labels it allows to say this […]

TERYKY – Overcome 12”

  TERYKY come from Hamburg and consist of 4 musicians who do not see the world in bright colours. And this is reflected in their music as well. Slow or very slow, dark or very dark, sad or very sad. The record takes you from calm and quiet guitar riffs to outbursts of anger and […]