MUTABO from Serbia reviewed on two split records.


MUTABO/HELLEXIST – Mutate and Survive/Age of Death split LP MUTABO/VASTATION – Omnia Mutantur/‎Vastation split LP MUTABO are from Belgrad, Serbia and have two split LPs on account, both released by the mighty Belgian label Neanderthal Stench Records in co-operation with Nero One Records from USA plus ¡ZAS! Autoproduzioni, Angry Voice, and Anomie Records. Great co-op […]

4 new items available for pre-order.

In case you haven’t noticed, SANCTUS PROPAGANDA has opened pre-order for the following items: PROP 004 MORDERCA – demo CASS PROP 005 ORPHANAGE NAMED EARTH – Saudade CD ORPHANAGE NAMED EARTH – Saudade t-shirt ORPHANAGE NAMED EARTH – Moth classic t-shirt Go to our shop here and support us! Cheers. All orders will be shipped right after […]

(review) OPEN WOUNDS – Invaders LP


  I’d listened to this record dozen times before I actually sat down to review it. I couldn’t put it down and play something else unless NATIONS ON FIRE were around. Speaking of which, this is probably the best name to mention in this case, for two reasons. Both bands are from Europe and both […]


PROP 004 MORDERCA are a new band from Poland that know how to blend best of death metal with d-beat and, as a result, they came up with something highly pleasurable to listen to, if Swedish style of playing metal and punk is up your street. Recruiting from well-known Polish bands, which will go unsaid […]