NONSANTO, the grindcore punks from Wrocław are dropping their EP later this year. If you have seen them live you will know they don’t take prisoners on stage and play like fucking machines. One minute track after one minute track. Non stop, for about 30 minutes. Not every band can do that. After their brilliant “Enslaved by The Grind” LP we are soon to be treated with their brand new EP titled “Human Condition”. 7 tracks of political grindcore punk that will definitely make my ears bleed. The recording will be conveniently available on all formats: CD/LP/MC on NIC Records, Retkinia Records, DIY Kolo Records, Nieroby Records, 783 Punx, 9 Lies Records, Psychocontrol Records, Raw Zine Records and Eskaramuza DIY Distro! And of course digtally, straight from the band’s bandcamp page where you can now stream one track:
NONSANTO FB: https://www.facebook.com/nonsantopl
DYBUK are a brand new band from north west of Poland featuring guitarist and vocalist from the street punk band The Analogs. It’s a fairly new creation that promises tunes where old school punk meets heavier metal-ish guitar. Fast, to the point and relentless. That’s what I am expecting at least. And this track promises all that. The debut album is expected in spring on Oldschool Records.
DYBUK FB: https://www.facebook.com/dybuk161