PROP 004 MORDERCA are a new band from Poland that know how to blend best of death metal with d-beat and, as a result, they came up with something highly pleasurable to listen to, if Swedish style of playing metal and punk is up your street. Recruiting from well-known Polish bands, which will go unsaid […]

(review) V/A – “No One’s Little Girl” comp. LP


  I can do it better than you I can do it way much better I can do it way much quicker Better … better .. better PUSSY LIQUOUR – Lady Wank Do you remember the good old days when compilation LPs were the only way, apart from going to gigs and reading zines, you […]


  MORDERCA (The Killer) come from Poland and they are a new band. They have just released their demo on Bandcamp and are said to be studio band only. What do I start with? There is so much happening here. The opening track starts with a nice and furious blast, that changes into punk d-beat […]