PROP 018 HAZARD PROFILE EP teaser tracks released

Welcome to another UK punk band that covid gave to the world. And this time buckle up coz this is a ride back to what UK punk was at its best in the 80s PLUS a big shout out to its newer incarnations. With personnel who are members/ex-members of CHAOS UK, THE DOMESTICS, FUK, PI$$ER, […]

Slutet – Bortom Vansinnets Grepp LP

SLUTET wasn’t an easy band for me. I must say I wasn’t taken in by their previous record and I didn’t give it a second chance. So I was a bit sceptical when I received this one from Phobia Records to review. And it came again. I wasn’t taken in. But this time I did […]


There we go. Another SANCTUS PROPAGANDA release in the pipeline. PROP 017 WOLFHEAD59 – Power is Not Yours LP Techno punk, digital hardcore … call it what you want, it doesn’t matter, does it? All we know WOLFHEAD59 makes techno send punk message across the globe and punk become danceable more than ever, at home […]