(review) Su19b – Demo 97 7”EP

Su19b - Demo 97 7”EP

  Su19b have been around since 1997 so expect a legendary Japanese gridncore played the hardcore way.  This is not noise noise noise, this is fast hardcore broken by sludgy bits that makes you feel you are listening to a 80s style NYHC, but only more grindy.  It’s a 1997 demo cassette released on a […]

ZERUM/RIVERS RUN DRY split LP TEST PRESS on auction to support Antifa prisoners.

Hasiok Records puts ZERUM/RIVERS RUN DRY split LP TEST PRESS on auction to support Antifa prisoners from St. Petersburg.  Punx against repressions! The is the test press from the upcoming album which will be out in March by: Hasiok Records, DIY Koło, Up The Punx, ATMAN, Prejudice Me, THC & DIY Records, Hardcore For The […]

(review) CRESS – Hunt Saboteurs Association benefit 7”

This is an exceptional single from one of the most influential UK anarcho punk bands from the 90s.  Exceptional because it is the middle segment of the exceptional series of 9 singles that form a one big beautiful picture of a fox.  All records are benefit for Hunt Saboteurs Association so the cause is great.  […]

(review) BESTHÖVEN – Live in Rostock EP

Besthöven - Live in Rostock

  If you’re not familiar with BESTHÖVEN, dis is a DIS ONE MAN ARMY from Brazil.  Dis explanation plus the logo style say it all.  So you know what to expect from dis little record. With more than 30 releases on account, BESTHÖVEN is another die hard DISCHARGE fan that travels around the world to […]

(review) METH DRINKER/OPEN TOMB – split LP


  I am sure you’ve been to a party (my not straight-edge readers) when you had too much to drink or smoke and the world slowed down so fucking much that you dropped down not knowing when and where. And this moment when you disconnect is when this record stops.  But before it does, it […]