2019 TOP: Mike Champagne

Is this the last post from the “TOP series”? Time will show.  But now, Mike Champagne, guitarist/bassist for Polish hardcore punk bands OHYDA, PRISONERS BY CHOICE and BLIND EYE, visual artist and a photographer, gives his BESTS of 2019 and his own photos.   Disclaimer: This won’t be a typical TOP 10. First of all […]

2019 TOP 10: Andy Lefton

Here at SANCTUS PROPAGANDA we believe that sharing your musical tastes with the community gives others a broader perspective, a chance to make up for what you missed in your busy life and most of all, appreciate each other’s work.  This time we asked Andy Lefton, the guitarist for WAR//PLAGUE and a visual artist to […]

2019 TOP 10: Ian Glasper

Yet another TOP 10 of the passing year, this time (like last year) from Ian Glasper, bassist for WARWOUND (whose 2nd LP is out soon, in the beginning of 2020) and author of books on punk, hardcore and thrash.  His latest book, “Contract In Blood: A History Of UK Thrash Metal” is still available from […]

2019 TOP 10: Raquel J Alves

Oi! Here’s the first 2019 TOP 10 for you.  If you haven’t heard SURYA’s newest LP (reviewed here), it’s high time you made up for it.  It’s a smashing record this, and quoted in many TOP 10s I gather.  So, for a change, we asked Raquel, the drummer of SURYA, to come up with here […]

Down the memory lane.  UK punk travel with Google Maps

End of the year makes for trips down the memory lane for me, no doubt about that.  I recently cleared the mess with my records, arranged them nicely on a shelf and started digging.  Some jewels fell into hands, one record led to the other and memories returned.  Almost all DIY punk records of the […]